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Anemone? ID


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I just bought two rocks from a store. They have been in someone's tank before and I noticed two anemone sorta things on it. I'm pretty sure the pink one is an anemone, but I'm not too sure about the other. I'm starting to think its a majano.



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I agree. Left looks like a bubble tip (doesn't look to happy, though) and the right looks like a mojano. A very pretty one, for what it's worth. A lot of people keep mojanos in their tanks. They don't spread nearly as fast as other "pest" nems, they're usually really pretty., and they stay pretty small.

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Thanks for the id. I'm thinking of putting corals in my tank, should I get rid of the mojanos? Also, when they reproduce, do they just bud off each other or do they go all over the tank like aptesia.

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Thanks for the id. I'm thinking of putting corals in my tank, should I get rid of the mojanos? Also, when they reproduce, do they just bud off each other or do they go all over the tank like aptesia.


Mojanos have a weaker sting than aptasia. They won't really hurt corals, just irritate them. I'd be more worried about the other nem. It probably won't do that great in a new tank (especially if the lighting is bad) and will die, throwing your tank params into chaos.


Mojanos behave similar to aptasia. They both split and drop medusae that can root in other places. Essentially it comes down to one form is sexual, one is asexual.

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