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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Refuge or Chemical


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This isn't a question about how to set it up. I've seen steveT's setup, which is nice. I am just looking for opinions on when I get a media rack for my bc14, whether to go with the refuge or to just go with the chemical filtration. And (okay maybe one setup question) I've seen people say to use carbon, where do you recommend putting that? Do you put that in chamber one in a media bag or would you take out the blue screen between chamber 2 and 3, placing the carbon in there? Just wondering what is working for people.

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Ive had a fuge for a while and its good its works I never use carbon either, but my next build im going to try bio pellets and no fuge and see how that works

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Both work. It's more a matter of what you would rather do.


Refugium has the initial setback cost. You're going to need to pop for a light and the macro. Not terribly expensive, but enough to deter some people. After that it's pretty simple as far as upkeep (Not that the chemical method is any more complicated) Just remove excess macro whenever it gets too big.


Chemical has a lower startup cost, but becomes more expensive down the line. Carbon also strips the water to a certain degree (though it is not known to what degree.)


IMO, and only my opinion. I like a little of both. A small amount of carbon to remove things macro's won't use. It also keeps the water sparkling clear.

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Thanks for the input. I think I will start with the chemical filtering because this (rehab tank), and I want to get my water levels steady before adding any corals. I'd also like to re-scape my rock, maybe add a little more.


I would eventually like to go with the refuge and chaeto lighting, a nice diy project. I saw one done somewhere in the NR forum but I can't find it. The guy had velcro all around the edges of the light as to not let any light out. If anyone knows where that is, can you point me to the post?

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That thing is sweet but I was looking to go a little more cost effective. Plus, I kind of liked the diy aspect. Do you think a regiment of chemical would be good to do before putting in a fuge? I was thinking I could get my water readings stable by going with the chemical filtering.....but, I know nothing so my thinking may be wrong because I know nothing except what I read on here.

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That thing is sweet but I was looking to go a little more cost effective. Plus, I kind of liked the diy aspect. Do you think a regiment of chemical would be good to do before putting in a fuge? I was thinking I could get my water readings stable by going with the chemical filtering.....but, I know nothing so my thinking may be wrong because I know nothing except what I read on here.


My recommendation to some degree or another would be to use both. I universally use and recommend activated carbon and I also always use plant growth of some sort to aid in nitrogen and phosphorus reduction. You talk of allowing the tank to stabilize and, actually, a good refugium would probably be the best in this respect. The reason for this is that they encourage more area for bacterial and animal diversity, as well as having the extra plant growth. IME, tanks that use some form of natural filtration as the primary means of filtration are among the most stable.

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Okay, thanks. I now have all the bioballs taken out, I made a couple grates from egg crate (white, so I'll have to do some spray painting if you read that long thread about how it produces algae).


I have a bag of chemi-pure and some phos remover right now. I will eventually put in a fuge. I got two emeralds yesterday and they went right to town on cleaning.


I was having a sudden problem with my stealth 50w last night. My digital thermometer was reading 76 and the heater was set at 79. So I turned the heater up a few degrees and the temp barely rose. I started getting worried after waiting a few hours and no temperature raising so I ran to Petsmart before it closed and got a Aqueon. I've had the stealth for 3+ years now and although the temp gauge is not right on, it was at least steady. I'm going to test it in a bucket. Anyone else have problems with them?

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I traded my friend a couple mushrooms for a zoa frag and some star polyp. I also re-aqua scaped and I like it much better. Let me know what you think. There's a before and after. (I know, nice flash. I was using my phone camera)




Here are the zoas.




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