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Yasha shrimp goby vs bsj


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I cant decide between the two fish. Im close to ordering my cuc and need to finalize my stocking list. I was on vivid aquariums and couldn't decide if i want to purchase the bsj or the Yasha. I know both are easy to take care of. the only thing im woried about is the dreaded jawfish spott desease. Has anybody had any experence with the bsj and could give me some input? I already know quite alot about the yasha. It would also be great if some could give their prefrence between the two.

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I would go with the BSJ. I have had one in my tank for five or six months. Easily the best fish I have ever kept. He is really great to watch. Loves to come out and look me over when I approach the tank. Looks killer... Looks really killer under blue LED lights. Eats like a pig... his color, which has always been great, seem to get richer with time/growth. Just a note...for the first day or two he would only take mysis... now he eats anything meaty.

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I would go with the BSJ. I have had one in my tank for five or six months. Easily the best fish I have ever kept. He is really great to watch. Loves to come out and look me over when I approach the tank. Looks killer... Looks really killer under blue LED lights. Eats like a pig... his color, which has always been great, seem to get richer with time/growth. Just a note...for the first day or two he would only take mysis... now he eats anything meaty.

yasha is my vote, but they are smaller than a BSJ.. You will pay more for a BSJ, you need a decent sand bed, and survival rate from store to home, isn't great. some of this depends on the size of your tank though

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If this is your first reef tank, I would suggest going with the Yasha hase also. Much hardier, and way less of an investment, should something go wrong.

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Yasha is more cryptic. Both are beautiful fish. BSJ has a higher mortality rate as dmarmontello said. I cant decide on one over another though lol I'd love having both.


I will say from having my flaming prawn goby, that the smaller gobies have a ridiculously small bioload. I NEVER feed my Griessingerie Goby. Granted he's smaller, he lives with a pom pom crab lol. You are going to see more instability from excess food with a BSJ. But that isnt a pressing matter and shouldnt change your decision.


And as forrestsp said, those little gobies are hardy as ####.

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price is not an issue. at vivid, the yasha pistol pair is like 85 and the bsj is 90. im leaning twords the bsj because i am deffonetly ordering from vivid and the two are only 5 bucks apart. in my opinion, the bsj looks cooler too.

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