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Mg still Low?


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Here are my numbers from my water test today. The lights were off.


MG 1200

Calcium 440

Kh 7 2.52

PH 8.3

No3 2

Salinity 1.023


I know my Kh is low and I need to figure out how to get that up. Could it be low because my Mg is a little low? I use DD H2Ocean for my salt mix. I am also trying to get the Salinity up to 1.025. It seems that at the end of my WC cycle the salinity drops a little, that may be due to the ATO?

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Here are my numbers from my water test today. The lights were off.


MG 1200

Calcium 440

Kh 7 2.52

PH 8.3

No3 2

Salinity 1.023


I know my Kh is low and I need to figure out how to get that up. Could it be low because my Mg is a little low? I use DD H2Ocean for my salt mix. I am also trying to get the Salinity up to 1.025. It seems that at the end of my WC cycle the salinity drops a little, that may be due to the ATO?


If there's nothing wrong with your tank, don't mess with the water chemistry. IMO


And the ATO stops salinity from fluctuating.

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