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Innovative Marine Aquariums

lighting question about nano reef 8.5gls T8 3x15w actinic tubes and 6500 °


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Hello friends.....


I have a nano reef from 10.5 inches tall. volume of water is 8.5 gallons. Hence keep soft corals such as Sarcophyton, lobophyton, finger, naptea green, mushroom, Discosoma, actinodiscos, people eat green Zoanthids.

nano reef mount it for 7 months with pure fragments of corallites to stop pruning to remove my 40gls reef.


Lighting consists of 3 15w T8 tubes each. 1 actinic and 2 6500 ° k. (45w total).


It is necessary to increase the wattage to keep some LPS like frogspawn?

I also want to add some star polyps xenia elongata and green.


I understand that there are better lighting systems such as PL, MH, LEDS, VHO, etc, but they are new tubes had already saved and I wanted to use them.


thank you very much for your attention.

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You shouldn't need to add anything more, but T8's will be limiting in the long run. As long as you stick to low or medium light corals, you should be ok with what you have.

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Evilc66, thanks very much.


You shouldn't need to add anything more, but T8's will be limiting in the long run. As long as you stick to low or medium light corals, you should be ok with what you have.
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