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I have a 20G long with a bangaii (in for about 3 weeks). I am deciding on what else to put in - currently thinking about the following:


bangaii + pair of black / white or onyx clowns (if I can find them)




bangaii + b/w clown or onyx clown + 6 line wrasse


I know some would say a 20G long is too small for a 6 line

I also know that the clowns might be aggressive, and that the 6 line might be aggressive too

I also saw a compatibility chart that says you can put all three together (but there is no mention of tank size)


So... the questions:

Would 4 fish be too many in a 20G long?

Would those three get along? Anyone have any experience with any combination of the three?

Am I better off scrapping this idea and finding other fish?

Any other ideas for active swimmers (not looking for rock sitters, etc) that would get along?


I have researched a lot and found that clowns sometimes get along with those other fish, but sometimes not... that 6 lines can be aggressive as they get older, but sometimes not... that 3 fish is best for a 20G long but you can do 4 with frequent water changes and good maintenance...


too many conflicting answers out there... anyone care to chime in?



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US Marine Coral

I think that is a good list of fish to be together in a 20L. I have those fish too. Whenever I start a new tank I alway add the most aggressive fish last. I hope this helps. Where are you located anyway?

Have a great day.


I have a 20G long with a bangaii (in for about 3 weeks). I am deciding on what else to put in - currently thinking about the following:


bangaii + pair of black / white or onyx clowns (if I can find them)




bangaii + b/w clown or onyx clown + 6 line wrasse


I know some would say a 20G long is too small for a 6 line

I also know that the clowns might be aggressive, and that the 6 line might be aggressive too

I also saw a compatibility chart that says you can put all three together (but there is no mention of tank size)


So... the questions:

Would 4 fish be too many in a 20G long?

Would those three get along? Anyone have any experience with any combination of the three?

Am I better off scrapping this idea and finding other fish?

Any other ideas for active swimmers (not looking for rock sitters, etc) that would get along?


I have researched a lot and found that clowns sometimes get along with those other fish, but sometimes not... that 6 lines can be aggressive as they get older, but sometimes not... that 3 fish is best for a 20G long but you can do 4 with frequent water changes and good maintenance...


too many conflicting answers out there... anyone care to chime in?



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