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hyposalinity question, sick fish,


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Hey everybody, so im doing a hyposalinity treatment for a fish that im pretty sure has brook. he is in the q tank and the salinity is at 1.012 how long do i leave him in there for??/


till his symptoms clear up or untill a certian amount of time??


and i was reading that they need to be brought up to the normal salinity at .0002 increments evey two hours is this true??



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Hypo salinity needs to be 1.009 no more than 1.010. These are the lowest levels that fish can survive and the ich parasites can't. If its not this low you run the risk of not killing the parasite. Fish need to stay at this salinity 4 weeks after last spots are seen and slowly raise the salinity back up by no more than .003 per day. Should take about a week to get back to normal salinity.

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Anoter article said not to go any lower then 1.010 and also I'm starting to second guess my diagnoses, because the fish is still on the ground breathing really heavily, so basically what happened was I found him yesterday morning on the sand breathing heavily, when I tried feeding him he ate but went right back to laying on the ground, breathing real heavy, all my params are 0 except trite, which is in between 0-5, I double checked with lfs, there was no white spots on him, but after doing lots of research I read that I could be missing the spots and the symptoms suggest it is prolly brook, and that I just missed the white spots, but this morning he is still breathing heavily so idk what to think anymore. He was fine 2 days ago, swimming and being normal!!


Anoter article said not to go any lower then 1.010 and also I'm starting to second guess my diagnoses, because the fish is still on the ground breathing really heavily, so basically what happened was I found him yesterday morning on the sand breathing heavily, when I tried feeding him he ate but went right back to laying on the ground, breathing real heavy, all my params are 0 except trite, which is in between 0-5, I double checked with lfs, there was no white spots on him, but after doing lots of research I read that I could be missing the spots and the symptoms suggest it is prolly brook, and that I just missed the white spots, but this morning he is still breathing heavily so idk what to think anymore. He was fine 2 days ago, swimming and being normal!!

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This is just my opinion, but first of all I doubt a parasite would be killed that quickly...hence the suggested four week wait time so just be a little patient and stay on top of your topoffs and water changes(daily) to minimize stress for your fish. Also, you said yestrday morning? Seems like you dropped the salinity a bit too quick so he might be dealing with a bit of osmotic shock as well. Try to take at least 48 hours to drop and at least a week to raise it back up.

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Ok, apparently this site I rea was all wrong it said the fishcould deal with the salt lowering quite easily it was salt raising that was hard on a fish, ok so he could still have brook, it just hasn't gone away yet? If he isn't eating tonight, have I lost the battle?! He wouldn't eat last night, but he did yesterday morning, idk what to do,


They said I could jus drop the fish to that low and it would be fine

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you said your tank had nitrites? how long has your tank been up and running because once the tank is cycled you shouldn't be seeing any nitrites, nitrites are a sign of a tank that isn't cycled yet

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