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Cultivated Reef

torch coral, suffocated?


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Hey everyone. I picked up a torch frag this week, brought it home and had it placed on the bottom and it started opening up and looking happy... I figured it might want some more light, and I moved it up on my rock work and used some of the reef putty to attach it to the rock.... Well, needless to say I'm a newb and I think that I used too much putty, and might have suffocated the exoskeleton (is this possible??) It has shriveled up, and hasn't reered it's polyps...


Tomorrow I'll be trying to pry it off the rock work, and get all of the epoxy off it in hopes of reviving it.. My wife tells me it's whitish in color and hasn't come out today... Hoping it's not dead..


Any thoughts.. besides I'm learning :)

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I doubt aquarium epoxy would be the issue, but it takes forever to harden so you shouldn't have to do any prying, just pick it up and take off the epoxy (unless you super glued).


It may just need time to acclimate, or your water parameters may not be correct.


What are your water parameters?

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I will test when I get home (I'm in San Fran right now with work). Last time I tested (last weekend) everything normal and looked good..


So having the aquarium epoxy over the exoskeleton isn't going to smother it or anything? That was my main concern... if that's not the case, it's just not happy in the spot I have it in.

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I will test when I get home (I'm in San Fran right now with work). Last time I tested (last weekend) everything normal and looked good..


So having the aquarium epoxy over the exoskeleton isn't going to smother it or anything? That was my main concern... if that's not the case, it's just not happy in the spot I have it in.


Probably just not happy where you put it.


Maybe to much light or to much direct flow?

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I have a torch that I did the exact same thing to, and its fine. The bottom of the frag is all dead calcified skeleton, unless your frag was cut incorrectly and is into the live tissue (its easy to see by looking, rock v.s. something living).


If you put it in a direct laminar high flow that could do it, they have pretty long soft polyps that will rip if in high flow that is constantly in one direction.


I suppose Light could be an issue... but that's probably not it. I note that when mine is "retracted" I can still see tissue pretty obviously, not sure what to think if all you see is skeleton... but that might be bad.

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well this is what my wife is telling me, so Lord knows what is actually happening :-) . When I left, I could see polyps, they were just tiny little pin sized and inside of the head, just not extending and left it to acclimate while I was away for a couple of days


... The flow is relatively medium, I have a frogspawn a couple of inches above this spot that is growing very nicely...


I'll move it when I get back home, which will be tomorrow morning.... Thanks guys, I'm happy to know it's not smothering it, and to answer one of the questions, it was all calcified, there wasn't any tissue and it looked like it was cut correctly.

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alright, so the verdict is..... the frag is certainly white, and calcified.... we lost the torch.. doh!


The head is gone? Got any pictures so we can make certain what has happened? Something sounds fishy...Torch, frogspawn, and hammer are all so similar that where one does well, the others are sure to as well. If you have a frogspawn near the location doing well, then placement is likely okay.



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The head is gone? Got any pictures so we can make certain what has happened? Something sounds fishy...Torch, frogspawn, and hammer are all so similar that where one does well, the others are sure to as well. If you have a frogspawn near the location doing well, then placement is likely okay.




Well, he has been disposed of, the reason being, one of the earlier posters had said that if the frag was cut improperly, and that was damaged while being moved it could have been an issue. That is what I am leaning toward... The head was completely white, calcified, and sure as hell not alive.


On the plus side, I stopped into the LFS today, and they had this really nice looking torch (nice looking frag) for $20. He hasn't been in the tank for 20 minutes, and is already opened up more than the first frag I got from another LFS..




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