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Orange spot goby


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Hi. Still debating what to put into my 8 gallon biocube In a few months it'll be ready for it's first and last fish :D! I'm talking about an orange spot goby, not a SLEEPER goby. Would it work? Not many websites are giving me a straight forward answer....... Thanks.

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Mine was in an 8G biocube. The problem is they are kind of boring and shy.


However in my experience they are very hardy. This guy has made it through 4 tank moves



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Mine was in an 8G biocube. The problem is they are kind of boring and shy.


However in my experience they are very hardy. This guy has made it through 4 tank moves



Holy cow! Nice fish! I think I've made my mind up now lol. My LFS has a reallllly nice one who's always out and about so I'll probably pick him up in about a month or 2. Thanks for the reply in like, 5 minutes lol.

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