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What color aquarium backing do you prefer?


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I'm trying to decide what backing I want to use for my 90 gallon RR build. Thanks to some advice from TheCowKid, I'm now pretty proficient in applying vinyl... So really, I'm trying to figure out what color to use.


I have some gloss black laying around at work... But could order some blue, or anything else...


What colors did you DIY guys use? Any regrets from going with one color over another?


I'm leaning my rock against the back glass, and hiding my wires and possibly some equipment, so I know for sure that I'm not going to leave the glass as is...

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I prefer blue, but on a RR tank I think it looks odd with the big black overflow, so I say black. If you have access to the vinyl already use that, but if you ever need an alternative I've used 5% window tint on 7 or 8 tanks now and I love it.

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It all changes purple over time but I prefer hands down black. Unless you want to get freaky with that cool light whitish blue look.


I would not go too glossy though with any color

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I prefer blue, but on a RR tank I think it looks odd with the big black overflow, so I say black. If you have access to the vinyl already use that, but if you ever need an alternative I've used 5% window tint on 7 or 8 tanks now and I love it.

I just set up a tank with 5% window tint on the back. I first tried to apply the tint the proper way, but it was impossible with the tank already running. I ended up just taping the tint to the back. I really like how it turned out. It reflects a bit of the light back into the tank and there is a cool reflection thing going on. I just wish I would have got 2.5% tint instead.


If anyone else uses auto tint for a back ground, make sure you have scotch tape handy. To get the backing off the tint, you use a couple of peices of tape near the corner.

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