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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Question for CADLight 12 Gal Owners


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Well the bug has bit me again. After getting rid of my 90 gallon due to time and space conflicts, I'm having reef withdrawls! I've been looking to get something small (10 gal) like i started with because i enjoyed my nanos so much. I've narrowed it down to the CADLights 12 gallon.


I was wondering a few things.

-Does the T5 fixture have seperate cords for timing daylight and actinic bulbs?

-Does the pump that comes with it give enough flow or would a mp10 or nano koralia be needed?

-Is there enough space for carbon, macro etc in the back or is it a tight squeeze?


Thanks for any help. :)

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I was wondering a few things.

-Does the T5 fixture have seperate cords for timing daylight and actinic bulbs?

-Does the pump that comes with it give enough flow or would a mp10 or nano koralia be needed?

-Is there enough space for carbon, macro etc in the back or is it a tight squeeze?


- I have the PC version, it has a single cord but separate switches for the two lights

- I would say the pump does a good job as is, I believe it's around 25X turnover rate??

- I made a custom rack for my floss and carbon with room for phosban pad if I need it. The center chamber should be large enough for some macro.



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