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Cultivated Reef

NSW opportunity


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Hi, I'm building my first reef! I'm excited! But I have a unique situation: I live in Okinawa, Japan (a subtropical island!) so I'm always 10 minutes or less from the ocean. On the West is the East China Sea and on the East is the Pacific. I grabbed some NSW yesterday and checked the params and they seem great (so far).


I was just wondering - seen how none of my stuff will be shipped and I don't have a horrendous transit time (yesterday was 10 minutes I think), will I experience the same amount of die-off etc that others will typically have using NSW? How does this (and NSW in general) affect my cycling time?


Today I'm going to scour for some liverock and whatnot. Hopefully I can catch low tide. Same die-off question applies here, I suppose.


Any help and pointers using NSW is appreciated by the Noob here.


Thanks in advance!


Oh - I also forgot to ask: The water temp in the ocean right now is about 67-68F, and the temp in my tank is about the same without a heater. Are all the little critters going to die once my heater arrives?

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Welcome to N-R.com.


Living dead center in the U.S., I have no experience with NSW. However, I would think in an industrialized area, like Japan, you might be introducing some pollutants. I can't really be sure on that, as it may depend greatly on the area you take it from and the currents there at the time. Just a thought to keep in mind.


As for die off on live rock. My guess is it would be minimal. The LR we get shipped to the states has been out of the water for weeks sometimes. So, minutes wouldn't be a problem, IMO.


Send me a black sail fin goby for my efforts, please.

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Thanks :-) And I'm too far of a drive from Naha to bother with their beaches lol... I grabbed the water from the seawall on a super-turbulent day (and got soaked) so there should have been pretty good changeout of the water, rather than grabbing stagnant water just sitting there not moving much. Amazingly, there aren't too many sediments or sand that got in the water :-)


Unfortunately I cannot send a goby because the weather is bad for SCUBA diving here and as a diver, our code is that we don't take fishies home from the ocean. "Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories." That rule applies lol. But I do send my appreciation :-D


Thanks again. If anybody else has tips and pointers, please send them my way :-)

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Try to find out if maybe there is a pier with a water spigot or pump nearby that pumps the water from offshore and under the surface. Unfortunately there still may be pollutants and runoff if collecting from a jetty if you're getting it from the surface.


Where I live there is actually a pump that also filters the NSW, it maintained by the oceanography/marine biology dept of a college and aquarium and is free for all to use. Even so, the water is uncollectable during and after rain storms due to pollution. NSW is great, just don't depend entirely on it.

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