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Mr. Crabs ID please


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I like to flip my lights on at various times to see what is going on at night.


Found this guy munching away on my green slimer. Notice how 1 claw is way bigger than the other. He looks funny with those big eyes!


wada he be?


edit: guess you need a pic huh -- mrcrab.JPG

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from limited google-ing -- him having blue eyes and pointy claws indicate he is a acro eating fuzzy brown crab.


Plus I mean I saw him physically pulling polyps out so...yearp.


wish I had a mantis or something to feed his ass to! as of now it's just dying in the net on my kitchen table.

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yeap I believe you're right on the genus. I just have SO little SPS the damage he was inflicting seemed serious. He was viciously pulling flesh up and eating it. But was surprisingly slow moving when I went to catch him. The tank he came from had huge amounts of SPS so I'm sure he wasn't noticeable at all then.

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Builder Anthony

Another crab just watsed with no consideration for life.I didnt see a thread about you wanting to see if someone else wanted it but i guess its ok to let things just die on your table.At least be responsible and give the thing a chance .Start a free crab topic.

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Another crab just watsed with no consideration for life.I didnt see a thread about you wanting to see if someone else wanted it but i guess its ok to let things just die on your table.At least be responsible and give the thing a chance .Start a free crab topic.


While I see what you're saying, where would you expect him to keep the crab in the meantime?

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lol yeah like wtf am I supposed to do with that? lol.


"Oh LFS I got this crab, he eats acropora -- can I put him in your tank?"


He sure as hell wasn't going in my 5.5 with my harlequin?

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lol, i had an emerald crab that would not stop flipping zoa colonies over to pick under/around them. one night i got dunk and caught him doing it to my new eagle eyes. he was lifting the plug up and turning it over, etc. so logically i put him in the garbage disposal.....to this day i feel terrible about it, and would like to get another and keep him fat and happy to make up for my injustice. i was a noob and thought he was eating the polyps, i now know he was just cleaning them up. i honestly got teary eyed right after i did it, and asked myself, "why did you just do that?" and i'm a tough bastard 99 percent of the time, i just have a hardcore softspot for lesser life forms lol.

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Another crab just watsed with no consideration for life.I didnt see a thread about you wanting to see if someone else wanted it but i guess its ok to let things just die on your table.At least be responsible and give the thing a chance .Start a free crab topic.
:lol: You really need to settle down some. Is this all you do here? Look for threads where people toss out crabs so you can blast them?


The crab in this case is an obligate SPS host/parasite. That means this crab is going to die without an SPS colony. The damage it does to a large, healthy colony is minimal. However, on a small colony, it becomes very destructive.


Tell me. Who do you think is going to take that type of crab? The only ones I can think of would be somone with a puffer, or something similar. Even in that case, I seriously doubt they'd pay shipping on a crab the size of a bean.

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Letting something suffer like that is cruel. If he needs to be put down for everyone's good (and you are quite certain it eats ONLY acros?), so be it, but not like that. Google euthanasia for reefs...There are topics out there that show you how to do it without a lot of trouble.

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The "when in doubt, take it out" mantra is a good way to loose interesting and harmless hitchhikers out of sheer ignorance/fear. I'm sure many beneficial coral crabs have been prematurely killed. With online sites like this forum and chuck's addiction, no one can say they didn't have an opportunity to try and find a general ID.


Whether or not the crab should have been killed, given away (even as food), or kept in a separated area like a sump depends on each reefer's circumstances. It's not clear that it is an obligate parasite. Most crabs are omnivores.


edit: there are some crabs that appear to be parasites

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Another crab just watsed with no consideration for life.I didnt see a thread about you wanting to see if someone else wanted it but i guess its ok to let things just die on your table.At least be responsible and give the thing a chance .Start a free crab topic.


Tree Hugger :D

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