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propagation using rubber bands


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Has anyone tried just using small rubberbands to apply pressure and let the coral slowly split? I've heard that it puts a lot less stress on the coral. If so, what's your experience with this?

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I always used the wide rubberbands on corals like wall hammers. Just find a spot between the mouths, apply band there. Wait a few weeks, remove band, cut.

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I always used the wide rubberbands on corals like wall hammers. Just find a spot between the mouths, apply band there. Wait a few weeks, remove band, cut.


+1 ^


i used a smaller band on a ricordia to split it once. took awhile

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Hm, I've never heard of this but what kind of corals are you trying this on? I'm interested in hearing the answer too...


well I was just curious in general. But probably SPS and LPS.


I always used the wide rubberbands on corals like wall hammers. Just find a spot between the mouths, apply band there. Wait a few weeks, remove band, cut.


would you recommend this over simply cutting?


+1 ^


i used a smaller band on a ricordia to split it once. took awhile


hmm but what about in the case of a yuma where you'd be much better off with part of the mouth on each frag? you'd need an extremely thin rubberband that could still produce enough tension to not smother the coral by covering its mouth. has anyone done this with yumas?

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For a Yuma, I'd either cut it or wait till it splits on it's own. Personally, I've never cut one. I'd rather just wait it out.


As for something like a wall hammer, yes, I'd say this route vs cutting.

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I think it depends on conditions. I know a guy who sells pink yumas to a LFS here. He's got hundreds of the friggin things. Started with one probably 6 years ago.


I really don't care much for them, so I couldn't tell you what's best for natural spitting methods.

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