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60 Cube Powerheads?


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I already have an MP10wes and know I would need more flow for a 60 cube (24" x 24" x 24"). Would another MP10wes placed on the opposite side and slaved up be good enough or should I sell my MP10 that I have now and get an MP40?

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I already have an MP10wes and know I would need more flow for a 60 cube (24" x 24" x 24"). Would another MP10wes placed on the opposite side and slaved up be good enough or should I sell my MP10 that I have now and get an MP40?


I would rather have two pumps than one.

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I was thinking the 2 MP10s would be good to have on either side of the tank in different locations to create some variable flow and also i would save a lot of money.

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I'm planning on using 2 MP10wes for the 60 cube I'm setting up. I currently have one on my 20h and only ever turn it to half as its to much current for most of my tank.

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I'm planning on using 2 MP10wes for the 60 cube I'm setting up. I currently have one on my 20h and only ever turn it to half as its to much current for most of my tank.


i have my MP10 cranked to full power in my 29 biocube so with the added volume I wasn't sure if 2 MP10s would be enough. Where are you planning on putting them?

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So the 60 cube is 1/2" thick glass and I have been reading about issues with putting the MP10 on glass thicker than 3/8". Anybody try this with success? Supposedly they were planning on putting a stronger magnet on them but does anyone know if this has happened?

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