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zoa dying ?


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Here is a bad picture of it. I dont know what is wrong. few days ago 2 of them closed up and started to shrink? is that melting? sorry for the bad picture.


I had them for two weeks and they were growing and healthy.


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mine use to look like that when i had them high in my rockwork. then once i had them on the sand in my 12 NC they have been multiplying like crazy.


So... I see yours are on the sand already perhaps shade them a bit if you have strong lighting... i have heard zoas need deffrent lighting depending on the kind so maybe yours need more or less lighting try moving them around and see how they end up... I always move my frags around quite a bit until they seem happy.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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i just moved it from my tank, the frag came off of the plug, maybie cause it was melting? i just want to find out the problem and fix it so i dont have this problem. if its better for me tot ake this out ?

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I had some PPEs that were doing the same thing. Normally I would call em dead and cut my losses but I REALLY liked these ones so I decided to do a lugols dip. I so a few tiny little things crawl out. I placed them back in the tank in the same area, nothing changed but I left them there. Shortly after all that happened I had to go away for a month, when I returned they were all open and starting to spread.

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Will the whole frag die or just the poly? i would reather take it out now and cut my losses. i have no idea why it is doing this. water is good, and they were doing so well.


few tiny little things crawl out? were they pods eating it?

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When I got my frag I ended up dropping the whole frag on the sand by mistake, my poor zoa didn't like that and started to close up, I though it might have died but I let it sit there a few days and it started opening up again.


Unless you see the whole drag super white it's not dead yet.

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I wouldn’t write them off just yet. Move them up and see if they want more light. I have a frag that was looking ok near the top of my tank, but I decided I wanted them in the sand because there was only two to three heads in 4 months time. They hated it on the sand and began to not open up. After several weeks I got pissed and threw them near the top. Next morning three heads were open.

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I saw my emerald crab eating the dead poly's . i hope he doesnt eat coral since idont have any on my rocks yet.


They are in a 14G biocube. what food can i give him? i feed cyclopeeze everyother day to the tank. i dont know if that has some foods for the zoa, my gsp loves it.


Im going to try to use revive dip tonite

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Funktastic Wint

u should be fine with the cyclopeeze.

i feed my stuff oyster feast but i dont have any fish.

so ur tank should be fine nutrient wise...

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do you know the light source it was under prior to entering your tank?


my zoa's are grumpy as hell if i move them, they get used to the light and open back up with more then before.. :) only time i've really seen mine die is from my GHA :(

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My Amonia/Nitite/nitrate are 0

density: 1.024-25

i do weekly waterchanges 10-20%.


Other zoa's seem to be doing fine on the sandbed.


IM not sure what was the other light source before this tank.


I wonder if it is my emerald crab eating them at night or if they are dying and he is scavaging them.

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I had a frag that did the same thing. some lived and the rest died off. They should not all die though. Put them up higher and the ones that live will thrive. I feed mine and add vitamines and they realy multiply fast. Sometimes 5 to 7 buds at a time.

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My Amonia/Nitite/nitrate are 0

density: 1.024-25

i do weekly waterchanges 10-20%.


Other zoa's seem to be doing fine on the sandbed.


IM not sure what was the other light source before this tank.


I wonder if it is my emerald crab eating them at night or if they are dying and he is scavaging them.

The crab will only eat them if thet are dead. As for the water. What water are you using? Another words what is your phosphorus level? What is the calcium level? These things are important especially the latter one.

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The crab will only eat them if thet are dead. As for the water. What water are you using? Another words what is your phosphorus level? What is the calcium level? These things are important especially the latter one.


I dont have a test for them. I just do weekly waterchanges every week. wasnt planning on dosing anything.


I run chemipure elite and purigen so i am assuming phosphates are low.

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Not the Zoa expert but a budding collector. I have about 8 different types and thus far have had experiences that appear to mimic what your hearing. They are "easy" to keep but can be fussy as hell about where exactly they want to be kept, as it were. When I started I tended to pull them off the "ugly" plug and glue them where I wanted them. I no longer do this. I would say that you need to watch them for a minimum of 1-2 weeks in any one location, as I usually find they open up and seem to do well wherever you put them until suddenly they act pissed off. What I have found is that (in the 1 case of a total loss, so N=1, i.e. grain of salt) if the polyp gets really long and skinny with a bulbus head your probably to late. If they are closed or a few are pulling away from the colony thats the first sign of bad things to come and you need to move them ASAP. Fragging a small colony thats doing poorly into a set of two or three frags with only 1-2 heads each and then placing them high, low and shaded is one way... at least one will like it :)


When they are doing poorly who knows which direction but it seems to be light dependent and usually seems like if they are doing poor they want less light (so far, in my experience) (could be flow but mine seem to care less about this- none in direct high flow would be a good starting point). Its random what they want, I try to ask about where they were in the tank that was doing well but with water depth and lighting always being different its super hard to get it right on the first try. For something so "easy" they can be high maintenance. However, its pretty obvious when they like it as they grow fast and you will notice new heads popping out the sides of existing ones. This takes about 2-4 weeks once they get happy (in my experience).


I have some 6 inches down and others 18+ inches down and both are growing very well, while others positioned at the SAME height and inches away were horrible until moved- Still not sure I have my Zoa keeping up to par as I have one colony that is doing poorly and has been moved 2x... The rest of the tank is full of much harder to keep stuff thats going full speed ahead... its a head scratcher.

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I dont get what happend. i know that the bulb gets small and long and i had 1-2 that died like that, my crab ate them. There are still some that are open and big. i had them in the same place for 2 weeks, they grew a lot and i see new little ones growing out. then all of a sudden a couple closed, died, then i see half of them are closed. i'll try to dip them, put them higher in the light and see how it turns out.

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I was watching my tank last night and did not see any nudi, they are small frags, this one has about 10-15 small and i would see them. i did see some pods on another frag but they were not ont he zoa, and that ones is doing well. i am just doing to dip all my corals in revive and hopefully that is a cureall

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