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Cultivated Reef

keeping yellow wrasse in bare bottom tank


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Find a tupperware container that is big enough to comfortably fit the fish, fill it with sand and hide it behind your rockwork.


The wrasse can use it as its "bed" for sleeping or when it wants to retreat.

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Not a good idea. They sleep in the sandbed and wouldn't survive without a sandbed.

Find a tupperware container that is big enough to comfortably fit the fish, fill it with sand and hide it behind your rockwork.

This is a good idea but it still may not be enough.

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I had one when I went bare bottom, and when he got spooked he took a dive into the PVC and it was headache time. Caught him, and gave it away. My flame wrasses were ok, they sleep in the rock.

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It needs sand. Have you considered getting rid of the bare bottom? Sand definitely looks more natural, helps natural filtration and would allow you to keep your wrasse :)

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