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Innovative Marine Aquariums

BC29 Lights fail?


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Hi, I've had my BC29 since last october and 2 days ago i noticed my blue lights (the coralife) weren't turning on. i then disconnected it and then tried it again and it started up. however, now when i try to turn the blue lights the bulbs sound like they make a CLICK noise and don't turn on. anyone know what the problem is? are my bulbs already burned out after 3 months of use?



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Hi, I've had my BC29 since last october and 2 days ago i noticed my blue lights (the coralife) weren't turning on. i then disconnected it and then tried it again and it started up. however, now when i try to turn the blue lights the bulbs sound like they make a CLICK noise and don't turn on. anyone know what the problem is? are my bulbs already burned out after 3 months of use?




If you switch the ballasts do you still have the same problem with that specific light?

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If you bought your BC29 in October and still have your receipt, then call Oceanic and describe your problem. I had the exact same problem (bulb in the back position wouldn't light) and they sent me a whole new hood. Instead of just swapping it out, I did some troubleshooting and found the problem was that the socket in the back wasn't making a connection to the bulb. HTH.

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If you bought your BC29 in October and still have your receipt, then call Oceanic and describe your problem. I had the exact same problem (bulb in the back position wouldn't light) and they sent me a whole new hood. Instead of just swapping it out, I did some troubleshooting and found the problem was that the socket in the back wasn't making a connection to the bulb. HTH.


wow, what did u say to get them to send you a whole new hood?

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wow, what did u say to get them to send you a whole new hood?


Not much because their customer service was great. I explained the problem and the troubleshooting steps I followed. They asked for a photocopy of the receipt and then shipped me a brand new hood with no bulbs.

I followed the same troubleshooting you did only I added another test. I switched bulb locations to make sure that the problem followed the socket and that I didn't simply have a bad bulb. You might want to do this last test too.

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wow, what did u say to get them to send you a whole new hood?


Oceanic has had some known issues with their lights and fans so I think rather than take the bad publicity they just offer a whole new hood.


It is possible that its just an issue with the bulb. If you didn't want to go through that process though you could just try another bulb in there. Or if you are worried it is the sockets just put your remaining good bulb in that socket. If it blows too then you know you have a problem with the hood and oceanic will replace it. If it turns out its just the light bulb you may be able to get them just to replace that (if it was the one that originally came with the new system).

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I couldn't get around to calling Oceanic today, I am planning on doing so tomarrow..


I dont understand but if I keep flipping the on/off switch over and over, SOMETIMES the blue lights will go on. however if they do go on and i turn them off, they won't come back on again?


any ideas? i can't beleive they are the bulb if they will work if i constantly flip the switch on and off over and over....

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From your description, it still sounds like you've got a bad socket... not a bad bulb. A bad bulb wouldn't light at all. I would take both bulbs out and lay the 10K aside. Move the actinic to the front position and attempt to power it on. If it works, then the bulb isn't bad. Next, look directly into the rear socket. Do you see any holes that aren't perfectly round? Here's a pic of my bad socket for comparison. The hole on the right is bad.


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Great! Contacted Oceanic today and all I had to say was that my back light wasn't clicking on and that I don't believe it is the bulb and they opted to just send me a brand new hood :) i will just take the bulbs out and put them in the new hood when i get it. I can't believe how easy and how good they wanted to help me :D I am very happy for this. Great customer service!!


oh and thank you guys for the help also :D

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