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AquaC Remora kicking in?


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HOB installed on my 12 gallon CAD.


I washed it with warm water like the directions said and installed it upright using a leveler and turned it on. I have the Maxi-Jet 1200 on mine. It makes that screeching sound. It's been running for over 8 days now. All I have is microbubbles and not a lot of it. It is not kicking in. I know patience is key but I've fed my tank like crazy this week hoping to help this thing kick in. Anyone know whats going on?



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How old is the tank?


What is it stocked with?


How high do you have the cup set?


What pump are you using to drive the skimmer? (mine worked great with a mj1200)

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How old is the tank?


What is it stocked with?


How high do you have the cup set?


What pump are you using to drive the skimmer? (mine worked great with a mj1200)

~21 months old tank


1 true percula clown, misc corals, a few snails and a few hermits.


The cup is at the lowest setting


I am using the Maxi-Jet 1200 this is new equipment.



Also I have hair algae that I clean regularly so I know there are nutrients in the tank. That is one of the reasons I got the skimmer.

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Yes when feeding the clown. I do this so the food sinks and doesn't sit on the surface. And yes, this last week my hands have been in the tank MANY times. I think I know what you are getting at and I hope thats why it hasn't kicked in yet.

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It very wel could be that. On my tunze 9002 every time I stick my hand in the tank it takes a good 2-4 hours to start skimming again. But that's now that it's broken in. When I first had it, it would render it useless all night. Give it 2-3 weeks. I grew a little impatient with mine at first too. These things are not plug and play at all.

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okay thanks. I have renewed confidence. I'll be patient. Its hard when you read reviews where people show you the gunk the skimmer pulls after a few days. Sorry I dirtied up Nano-Reef.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ummm, sorry to bump my old post --> but my AquaC Remora is over a month old and barely skimming micro-bubbles and still has yet to produce any skimmate that I can collect and dispose of. I am starting to lose patience. Any thoughts at this point? I am losing confidence or maybe I have a really clean tank ???

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I had that skimmer, and it was very inconsistent. If I totally cleaned out the pump and gunk from in the skimmer itself, it would skim after running for a few days for a total of MAYBE a week, and the skimmate wasn't very concentrated. I also dosed vodka, and previously had the stock JBJ skimmer for my nano-cube, which actually worked BETTER! (of course I threw it away when I upgraded to the AquaC though....:-/ )


I eventually bought a eshopps 75HOB, and it actually skims now. A lot. So I know for some reason the aquac just didn't work for my tank.


Sorry but it could be that way for you too.

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I would try a new pump before scrapping the skimmer. I had the Remora Pro for a long time and really liked it. The pumps on these things make a ton of difference.


Also, do you have the surface skimmer for it? That also makes a difference.

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I gave my Remora 3 months to see if it would actually start working properly. It never did. I tried everything, and it just wouldn't work. I finally gave up and bought an AquaMaxx skimmer. It started skimming right in less than a week. I pulled more stuff out in a week, then the Remora did in 3 months. I will have to say though that I had a different Remora on my 46g and it worked fine. Give it a little more time and if it doesn't improve, chalk it up to experience and buy something else.

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I would try a new pump before scrapping the skimmer. I had the Remora Pro for a long time and really liked it. The pumps on these things make a ton of difference.


Also, do you have the surface skimmer for it? That also makes a difference.


I don't have the surface skimmer. The AquaC is in the back middle chamber. I'm really thinking I got a dud. The reviews on this thing are great all over the internet, but if you really read carefully, there are some people bashing these things and questioning their "hand-built" quality. I'm going to give it 6 weeks and then talk to the manufacturer and see about a replacement.

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