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Coral Vue Hydros

Is this a good option for a light


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It won't support SPS or anemones but would work for softies & some LPS. Good find. Lighting is the hardest part about pico equipment, IMO. I believe this is the same type and wattage of bulb that's in a 14 Biocube.

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This is the tank that I need lighting for so would this be a good light fixture?

I really need responses





Nice tank, I would recommend getting a PAR38 LED bulb. PC are fast becoming history, it's all about T5's and LEDs right now. Since the smallest T5 fixture is this (a good fixture I own one) the PAR38 makes more since. Nanotuners, BoostLEd and Rapid LED all make a quality LED bulb.

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Nice tank, I would recommend getting a PAR38 LED bulb. PC are fast becoming history, it's all about T5's and LEDs right now. Since the smallest T5 fixture is this (a good fixture I own one) the PAR38 makes more since. Nanotuners, BoostLEd and Rapid LED all make a quality LED bulb.

well is there anything else you would suggest because I noticed that this wont fit the aquarium I want. The aquarium is 14"




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pc bulbs are also very expensive to replace every 6-9 months. get an led par type light. they will last for years.


and 2 inches is not too much overhang. you could prob cover it up somehow.

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PCs are becoming history... could be, but there are still a lot of reefs with them and it'll take a while for them to be completely replaced in the hobby.


Not all situations fit for a PAR38 based on the area available & the look the OP is going for. You need to have it some distance from the tank to keep from having an extreme spotlight, for instance. Granted, they are great lights.... But they just don't work for every situation.


On the T5 fixture, personally, I wouldn't want a 2" overhang on each side of such a sleek tank.


All this is why lighting is that hardest part of picos.


The OP asked if it was a "good" fixture and assuming it meets his budget & aesthetic/space needs, yes it appears to be a good fixture and will keep a wide range of corals alive based on the wattage, color temp and the height of the tank. Caveats are that it won't work for high-light corals and it doesn't seem like any of us who replied have personal experience with reliability of this unit.

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