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If I have a pest I will get rid of it how I see fit. Comments from hypacritical control freaks will be ignored and I will do what I wish with my aquarium. Many thanks to all the Normal people on here for your input.

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This seems like a closed ended statement and not the start of a thread ;) I agree with your point.....but cannot see why you created this post? Are you looking for people to argue with you?

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Apologies. No not looking to argue. My post was closed before I had a chance to post again. Some people are ruining this site by attacking people for asking questions!

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Saw the post, and what that guy posted was rude and completely uncalled for.


I mean if its potentially a pest or invasive species then of course killing it is one of the obvious 2 choices.

Its not like you went out and bought a coral and asked if you should nurture or kill it.

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i remember the post, after i checked your recent topics... i'm sorry that you were treated that way here sir... it was a valid question

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Ah what the heck one last thing. (referring to said post) why advertise that I am giving it away? Who said I wanted to get rid of it? I wanted to know what it is first. Some people should learn to READ!

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I think you ran into one or two people who were crazy. Offering to give it away is always an option, but only if killing it is the only other option :)

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Yup no harm in searching for answers.


Is it a cute gorgeous anemone? Should i nurture it?

Is it an evil fish/coral killing and infesting bastard? Should i kill it?


You didn't know and so you came looking for the answer, Good guy and save? Bad guy and kill?

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Yup no harm in searching for answers.


Is it a cute gorgeous anemone? Should i nurture it?

Is it an evil fish/coral killing and infesting bastard? Should i kill it?


You didn't know and so you came looking for the answer, Good guy and save? Bad guy and kill?

people always say bad! kill!! you know, i had an apistasia, and it was a big one, that lived in a zoa colony for a year. it never stung them, and it would expand over them at night, it was cool, i never could bring myself to kill it, and it never reproduced... all these 'pests' are only pests if you consider them so.

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Lol. I'm still not sure exactly what it is! I will try asking the question again in a few days when I get my proper camera sorted out.


What about the guy who's got rats in the basement or wasps in the roof. Rentakill! That's it I'm gonna call them if this anemone gives me any trouble.

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people always say bad! kill!! you know, i had an apistasia, and it was a big one, that lived in a zoa colony for a year. it never stung them, and it would expand over them at night, it was cool, i never could bring myself to kill it, and it never reproduced... all these 'pests' are only pests if you consider them so.


Consider yourself lucky then... I had aiptaisa that nuked a whole zoa colony. :(

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Awesome dude!

Even I havent even gotten a thread locked or a post deleted yet!

And I been tryin!!!


ETA- I seen the thread, and purposly stayed out of it.

But I definately am of the opinion you should get a positive ID before making any decision, whatever it is, it looks kinda cool.

Not all hitchhikers are bad, most are actually good!

Get that better pic so we can all know once and for all what it is.

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