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Is koralia 750 too strong for a 40gal reef tank?


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Bought an used tank..yada yada yada.. ended up ordering one Koralia 750 for 40gal tank. I thought it's 50gal tank.


Is the pump too strong for my tank. What's your take on this? What should I do?

The tank is a corner/curved glass tank: 22 depth/height x 23.5 radius (1/4 of a cylinder).


Thanks a lot.

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I run a combined flow of about 2100gph in my 40B. 700gph on the return, 1400gph on the closed loop.


I feel better now. However, i doesn't change the fact that you are....NUTS ;)

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I feel better now. However, i doesn't change the fact that you are....NUTS ;)

That's not really that much flow to be honest. Nothing gets blown around, and it's a mixed reef. I use an Ocean's Motion Super Squirt for flow randomization too. Looking at the tank, you wouldn't think that 2100gph is that much honestly. My 30g frag tank that the 40B feeds into has about the same amount of flow with a pair of controllable Korallia 3's.

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That's not really that much flow to be honest. Nothing gets blown around, and it's a mixed reef. I use an Ocean's Motion Super Squirt for flow randomization too. Looking at the tank, you wouldn't think that 2100gph is that much honestly. My 30g frag tank that the 40B feeds into has about the same amount of flow with a pair of controllable Korallia 3's.


I didn't know that a mixed reef needs that much flow. What's the reason behind it? Where can I read more about it?

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