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How do you clown around


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Was your clown dead when it was eaten? Because my clown hosts my candycane...



he was sick and laying on the candy cane and the candy cane seized the moment!!

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I like tomato clowns. They're not your typical clownfish yet still a clown if that makes any sense. And when you give 'em a bubbletip anemone it's like a match made in heaven. :happy:


I had a black occelaris before, it was mean. I couldn't put my hand in the tank without him biting me. He cut my skin and drew blood on more than a few occasions. He was hosting my elephant ear mushroom until one night the elephant ear slowly closed up on him and he was trapped. I had more than enough time to do something and get him out of it but for some reason I was overcome with a calming satisfaction by the thought of never getting hurt again while cleaning around the tank so I walked away and he was completely gone by morning. :mellow:

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I like tomato clowns. They're not your typical clownfish yet still a clown if that makes any sense. And when you give 'em a bubbletip anemone it's like a match made in heaven. :happy:


I had a black occelaris before, it was mean. I couldn't put my hand in the tank without him biting me. He cut my skin and drew blood on more than a few occasions. He was hosting my elephant ear mushroom until one night the elephant ear slowly closed up on him and he was trapped. I had more than enough time to do something and get him out of it but for some reason I was overcome with a calming satisfaction by the thought of never getting hurt again while cleaning around the tank so I walked away and he was completely gone by morning. :mellow:


I find that intersting. I have had the opposite experience my self. The meanest clown I ever had was a tomato clown and I none of my occelaris have been mean at all... I guess it depends on the individual fish.

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That's the first I heard of them doing that. LoL


He usually only goes to it if he gets scared...I guesss it's kind of like a comfort blanket...lol.


And just a few juvies :P




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Me too. I always thought the meaner of the two were the tomatoes.

350th Post in 1 month that I have been here!!!!!!!




ill have some nice updates tomorrow for you guys

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Aragonite Alive on bottom then shells on top



Pair of B&W Occy Clowns

Orange Spotted Goby paired with stripe Pistol

Midas Blenny



Stripe Pistol

Skunk Cleaner

Emerald Crab



Softies, LPS, Polyps, SPS when I upgrade to T5, and a nem for the clowns later on.


Is this good?

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