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Cultivated Reef

Nanocube 12 New Aquascape


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when i started this tank last year I had it chocked with live Rock like over 25lbs I slowly have been removing some of it as i go and realized how bad it looked my newest aquascape i got a little motovation to do a hill but once i started stacking i lost the hill look i think.


check out these pics and let me know what ya think and if this layout is gonna cause me problems?






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It looks ok but with the way you have rocks stacked you have no space for any additional corals. I would add a slope going towards the front of the display.

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maybe add a few smaller rocks from right side on a diagonal to the left? kind of like a cay. Keep them low also so you have space to mount frags, but still see the stacked caves in the back. IMHO :)

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+1 on the no room to add corals, also might want to keep that xenia in check, it took over those top rocks.. but it will spread through out your whole tank. I speak from experience.

Otherwise im sure youll move the tank around time and time.. its how it goes until we find that perfect scape.

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+1 on the no room to add corals, also might want to keep that xenia in check, it took over those top rocks.. but it will spread through out your whole tank. I speak from experience.

Otherwise im sure youll move the tank around time and time.. its how it goes until we find that perfect scape.



Yeah man I frag off that xenia every month usually and my LFS buys it from me for $5 a frag store credit... which isnt great but it is easy and the stuff spreads like wildfire... I like to have both of those top rocks covered with it because my clowns have each taken one of the rocks on as their "home" so i only trim it back as it spreads to other rocks and reachs outwards...


This is the 3rd time i have reaquascaped and each time i have removed LR because like i said i started with too much i think... This is by far my favorite scape i think and the torch in the front seems to be extended the farthest i have ever seen it... idk why that is hopfully i keep liking this one...


I am kind of poor to add more corals... the only thing i was thinking about adding was on the right side i have that small ramp that is empty i might add another small zoa frag...



also since i reaquascaped... my mushrooms do not seem to open nearly as big should i shade them more?




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