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Coral Vue Hydros

Simply awesome- new rule proposal.


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This is not the first post on these guys, nor about reef cleaners but I had to add my love.


I ordered a "clean up" crew from Reef Cleaners, first of all I got awesome service, and basically zero mortality while shipping a bunch of snails from FLorida to UT in the middle of a very cold storm.


Second, I propose a new rule


New rule:


If you have a sand bed you MUST purchase Nassarius Vibex snails.



These guys are HILARIOUS. First of all, I knew they were sand dwelling. I had NOT A CLUE how much we would enjoy them. They "dive" into the sand bed leaving a tiny little "air tube" sticking up. Within about 1 second of feeding they boil up out of the sand bed and TURBO all over the place. They move so fast its almost amazing, we spent a while researching snail motility to try to figure out how its possible that they move so fast, easily 20-100x your average snail... name change ideas anyone? The Enzo-Snail???


They are possibly our favorite tank occupant, completely unexpected. Our new favorite game is find the snail, attempting to pinpoint their locations in the sand bed prior to feeding so we can watch them turbo out of their hiding spots. We have a BioCube 29 with about 15 of these guys (hard to count they move so fast when they are out) I would propose this as the minimum number- more would be even more hilarious but my wife thinks the tank is supposed to be about the pretty fish and corals... :P


I keep trying to get her to fall in love with the creepy crawly's- I personally am most amazed at the diversity of life we are keeping. Go Snails, Worms, Inverts, Copepods! You rock!

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They are pretty cool snails, I bought one from reefcleaners a little while ago.

I don't see it much but when I do I find my self sitting there watching it haha.

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My wife calls them Zombie snails. Since you're having this much fun with the snails, I think if you ever get a blenny your mind will be blown.




That's hilarious. I would have to agree!

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Ahhh i miss my Nassarius snails.

Most hillarious thing happened to one of mine once upon a time.


Feeding time, makes every go nuts, including the Nass'es.

So two of them are dug down beside eachother, the one starts to slowly ease his way up when suddenly the other one erupts burying the first one with his sand, much to his frustration.


But it does not end there, Next as he is trying to emerge a second time, he gets a hermit bomb dropped on his head who had just caught whiff of the food in the tank.


To finally add insult to injury, when trying to dig himself up a third time he gets bulldozed by another Nassarius! At which point he just dug himself down and stayed put for the rest of the day. :lol:

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Ahhh i miss my Nassarius snails.

Most hillarious thing happened to one of mine once upon a time.


Feeding time, makes every go nuts, including the Nass'es.

So two of them are dug down beside eachother, the one starts to slowly ease his way up when suddenly the other one erupts burying the first one with his sand, much to his frustration.


But it does not end there, Next as he is trying to emerge a second time, he gets a hermit bomb dropped on his head who had just caught whiff of the food in the tank.


To finally add insult to injury, when trying to dig himself up a third time he gets bulldozed by another Nassarius! At which point he just dug himself down and stayed put for the rest of the day. :lol:


LOL ... I need to invest in a few of these guys.

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