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Cultivated Reef

2 xMP10 vs 1 MP40?


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I'm going to get my tax refund this friday and I can't decide weather to buy 2 mp10s or 1 mp 40. I have a 12g aquapod but will soon be upgraded to a 22g cadlight. I have mostly zoanthids and sps.

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I believe you will get a lot of votes for 1 to 2x Mp10 working with each other. More customization and more variable flow options is my assumption. I would do 2x MP10 over a 40 if I had a choice. Plus with a 22 2x MP10 will be enough for sure!

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I believe you will get a lot of votes for 1 to 2x Mp10 working with each other. More customization and more variable flow options is my assumption. I would do 2x MP10 over a 40 if I had a choice. Plus with a 22 2x MP10 will be enough for sure!


I might just start off with one mp10 see how it goes and if I feel I need another one when I get my cad 22g. But i'm leaning towards getting 2 mp 10

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Definitely NOT an MP40. I had two MP20s on a 75G and it plenty more than I needed for SPS.

I wish they would have upgraded and kept the mp 20

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i say go with 1 mp10w es and try it out. If you want more performance the get another and sink them. I have an 75 gallon reef and my mp10w es gets the water rocking a tad. I just sold my mp40w es to purchase another mp10 w es. The mp40w es was just to much.

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i say go with 1 mp10w es and try it out. If you want more performance the get another and sink them. I have an 75 gallon reef and my mp10w es gets the water rocking a tad. I just sold my mp40w es to purchase another mp10 w es. The mp40w es was just to much.


The mp 40 was to much for 75g wow and that a bad ass powerhead. I'm just going to pick up a mp10 then.

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