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Been looking (sump addition...)


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I'm trying to figure out a good way to get a sump onto my 28hqi. i don't want to drill it on the sides--i've been messing around with bulkheads in a psuedo tank and i can't keep up with the flow incoming from a maxijet 1200 using a 3/4 bulkhead. i cannot drill the bottom, since the tank is operational and the stand won't allow pipe going through it. so, i'm looking at either a DIY overflow or a lifereef overflow, or giving up my thoughts on a sump. problem is, the tank is about 3" away from the wall, so i'm screwed dimensionally wise, but the sides are wide open.


so, was hoping someone has done something to get to a sump, but there's so many posts out there that i've read t hrough that don't really help i was hoping someone could point me somewhere

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I've been thinking about doing an overflow from my BC29 and have similar problem to you (close to wall). I found this blog where a guy made a nice looking Mame-style overflow and that's what I have settled on making. It looks good and should work well.

Mame overflow build

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