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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Whos gonna win?


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Rearranged some rocks the other day, and the nem is on the move . . .

It came out pretty close to the frogspawn, but I dont think they have "met" just yet . . .


I really like the spot the frogspawn is in, makes a decent centerpiece.

But the fs frag can be moved, while the nem goes where it wants . . .

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Imma bout to find out within a few minutes I think . . .


The nem is about 1/2 inch away and closing "fast".


I guess Id rather have the nem settle right in the middle.

Ill go wash my hands and move the froggy.

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The frogspawn probably has a more potent sting, but I figure the bta has a advantage with the ability to bob and weave.

Though I just read that BTA's have weaker stings than condis. That frogspawn might have a fighting chance.

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I found a spot still pretty much front and center for the frogspawn, but used up the last of my epoxy in the process . . .

Hopefully the nem will finally realize it was always meant to be the centerpiece and stay put there.


Besides, I love rearranging stuff in there, gives me something to do besides posting here . . .

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I found a spot still pretty much front and center for the frogspawn, but used up the last of my epoxy in the process . . .

Hopefully the nem will finally realize it was always meant to be the centerpiece and stay put there.


Besides, I love rearranging stuff in there, gives me something to do besides posting here . . .



ill second that.after you get everything you want,it gets real boring quick.thats why i also keep moving the rock around,stay up with water changes and other things to do with it.

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