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Liquid vs. Dry supplements


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My LFS told me that dry supplements are more efficient and can raise levels higher faster than liquid. Is this true? I'm using liquid magnesium right now, but I am wondering if I should use dry. Any recomendations on a good brand? One that can be added by itself?

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....and can raise levels higher faster than liquid.


I don't think raising any levels fast is ever better..


As far as being more efficient - just figure that for yourself based on cost vs quantity used.

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I don't think raising any levels fast is ever better..


As far as being more efficient - just figure that for yourself based on cost vs quantity used.


Yeah. I think it is like when you buy rock. You are paying for water when you buy live rock, and you are paying for water when you buy liquid supplements. So pound for pound it might be cheaper to go dry. But I think it all depends on the price..

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