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bubble algae


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I've got a 24gallon nanocube. I do 4 gallon water changes weekly, and it seems like the more bubble algae I get out, more there are.


So if you got any ideas to get rid of it. I would appreciate it

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I've got a 24gallon nanocube. I do 4 gallon water changes weekly, and it seems like the more bubble algae I get out, more there are.


So if you got any ideas to get rid of it. I would appreciate it



Mithrax sculptus (emerald crabs) will eat it. I've personally seen them numerous times pick it right off the rocks, completely wiping valonia out of several tanks I've had.There is some risk of them bothering (if not actually eating) some corals, or whatever they can get a hold of.

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don't move or touch the algea, or you might pop them, spreading the spores. emeralds eat it, but they pop it and make is spread more. then they eat it again...

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I think the best way is to manually remove it, and then get the emerald crabs to control further outbreaks. Just get one for your tank.

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I just manually remove them. It's very rare that I've ever popped one - they usually come right off the rock. It's gotten them under control but small ones will still appear here and there. I had a mithrax but I didn't see any evidence of him eating the bubble algae and he hid most of the time.

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mithrax are hit or miss with bubble. I had one and it did nothing. Manually remove them and stay on a weekly water change regimen, that worked for me.

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