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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Taking paint off back of nano

sea bass

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Read here that it can be done using a razor blade. Has anyone had any problems with the tank after taking the paint off the back of the glass? Just want to make sure it won't cause any unforseen problems as well as be prepared for potential issues. Thanks in advance!!!

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I have scraped the back of a tank before just using a razor, but you have to hold it almost flat and it has to be sharp so you don't scratch the glass. I didn't have any issues and the paint came off quite easily, but I'm sure that also depends on what king of paint was used.

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Im not too sure about other AIO nanos, but for the JBJ nanocubes, the back is just a vinyl sticker. You'll need a sharp razor, and once you get a little piece off, you can pretty much peel the whole thing off. I havent had any problems at all after taking it off.

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Im not too sure about other AIO nanos, but for the JBJ nanocubes, the back is just a vinyl sticker. You'll need a sharp razor, and once you get a little piece off, you can pretty much peel the whole thing off. I havent had any problems at all after taking it off.

That's good to know.

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