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¿Que es esto?


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After a month and a half or so under the light this red spike that was on a dead monti cap. that I got as a piece of live rock from the sump of a frag tank at a lfs started to flatten out and grow quickly. Is it a montipora that survived? It is about 1/3 of an inch now and is getting noticeably bigger by the day.



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I think it should be "Cual es esto?"


Pero no se a su pregunta




Well it would seem that I am lacking in both coral identification skills and spainish language skills. Fortunately for me, I only speak spainish in Mexico after a few Coronas so at least I think I make sense...

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¿Que es esto? = What is this? Is the right way to ask.

Qué? instead of Cuál?

Cuál es esto?= Which is this? Makes no sense since you're not comparing anything.


Back to the subject, I’m almost certain it’s a type of algae you can start by checking this guy out.




Good resource and he has like 6-7 different hitchhiker guides.

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I'd agree with algae. One of my bits of LR rubble has something similar growing on it.. like a hard, shelf looking bit. I've seen it in the algae ID guides, can't recall it offhand.

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I'd agree with algae. One of my bits of LR rubble has something similar growing on it.. like a hard, shelf looking bit. I've seen it in the algae ID guides, can't recall it offhand.


After looking at the link posted above I agree it looks like an algae.

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