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Blue Hornets not fully opening


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I have a couple polyps of blue hornets that are not fully opening. I got some Sunny Ds at the same time from the same guy, which are doing fine. Not sure if these are getting too much or too little light, or if it is unrelated. I tried moving them up in the rock work, but it didn't help. I can see that the mat has been expanding over the glue on the frag plug quite a bit. Not sure of that could be related. I have a NEP on my BC29. These are currently on the sand bed towards the front right. The tank isn't so blue in person. Sorry for the iPhone pic.


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I have a couple polyps of blue hornets that are not fully opening. I got some Sunny Ds at the same time from the same guy, which are doing fine. Not sure if these are getting too much or too little light, or if it is unrelated. I tried moving them up in the rock work, but it didn't help. I can see that the mat has been expanding over the glue on the frag plug quite a bit. Not sure of that could be related. I have a NEP on my BC29. These are currently on the sand bed towards the front right. The tank isn't so blue in person. Sorry for the iPhone pic.



how long have you got them?

maybe they are just not fully adapted to your lights?

i have had the same problem u had, bought some paly frags from some guy and they didn't fully open up until a week or so. i think you will be fine. just my experience though

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Its probably been a week or two. I also upgraded an bulb during that time. They don't seem timbe melting. Guess I'll wait it out.


Its probably been a week or two. I also upgraded an bulb during that time. They don't seem timbe melting. Guess I'll wait it out.

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