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what nano tank to buy


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Hi all


Im new to this website


i used to have a 4ft marine and a 3 ft tropical fish tank but had to give them up due to moving, buying a house and having a baby etc.


i am now ready to start up again but i want to start something a bit smaller i am looking at nano tanks does anyone have one they could recomend. i am still trying to decide if i want a marine or tropical tank, to be honest i am steering more into the direction on marine fish again, its just the cost that puts me off I know it can be so expensive. But i guess in a smaller tank you can only keep a couple of fish so the outlay will be less, right?


i was wondering if anyone knows any info on the tanks below to help me


im looking at the

aqua one AR380 or

boyu / aquaworld MT40

for the Tropical tank



boyu/orca TL450 or a MH400

for the marine tank


what do you all think?

Are there any other tanks you might suggest?

i also want to start up a list of all the things i need as i am starting from scratch so i can get a rough idea of how much its all going to cost

any help would be much appreciated

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