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POLL Night time, Morning, Afternoon?



49 members have voted

  1. 1. When do you log on to nano-reef?

    • Morning
    • Afternoon
    • Night
    • ALL DAY

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Just curious to see when the majority of you are online. I'm usually on at night and I see the same people on. But I've been logged on in the morning before and see heavy traffic.

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Morning for me.


Used to be all day, then I realized that you only need to check the forums once a day.. they're hardly active enough to warrant more than that :P


Though, I will admit, I stop by from time to time throughout the day to check the ID forum.. pretty much the only one with regular updates.

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i'm on it all throughout the day.. the wife and I are self employed (landscaping) and right now plowing is the name of the game. lately we've been working about once a week lol. gives me alot of time on my hands.



i usually bounce between 4 forums :)

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I usually log in 3 times a day. In the morning, after school, and at night before bed.


EDIT: I live on the east coast, so in the morning, it's pretty slow on here...

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