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Heliofungia Plate coral Question


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Got this thing a few days ago and it seems to be doing okay. I think it's been expelling some of its mesenterial filaments for some reason but other than that it looks pretty good. My question is, It expands itself to a size almost double what it was when I placed it which leaves it bunched up against the glass on one side and the rocks on the other. What should I do? I've read its a good idea to enclose them between things to prevent movement but this seems a little overkill. Is it something I should worry about or will it work it out for itself?


Here's a couple pics...






Thanks in advance.

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i used to have one that i suspended with a tonga branch rock that looked like a big Y worked great and let me put it mid tank so it looked like an anemone :)

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Just looked at it again, its even bigger. Definately pressing up against the rocks pretty good.




This is what it looked like when I put it in, thought there was ample space lol.



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I would be more worried about it being on the sand. I've recently learned from a few plate people in my club that they do better on rubble or on the rockwork.

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I would be more worried about it being on the sand. I've recently learned from a few plate people in my club that they do better on rubble or on the rockwork.


Everything I've read has said put them directly onto the sand... If its not one thing its always another.

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I've heard they should be on the substrate as well. I'd be tempted to move the rock work to the right, to give it a bit more room. If not for the coral, it should look more natural if it is not so cramped.

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yeah, I think that coral is too big for that tank, lol.


Yea when its like this for sure. I'm gonna move the rocks around a bit so it has more room.

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Just finished moving the rocks around, looks kinda weird. Theres a big open space on the left side of the tank for this guy to do his thing, hopefully its enough. Not sure I like the layout, I think I might move it 90 degrees so I can put the plate in the front but whatever, gonna leave it like this for a while.



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Definitely on the sand. Placing plates on rocks can cause them to fall when they move from time to time and this can be problematic with heliofungias more than fungias as their long tentacles are delicate so I'd be more concerned with the tentacles touching the rocks than with the glass. Also, they don't last long in most tanks so if it makes you feel any better, you shouldn't have to deal with that issue for too long.

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Definitely on the sand. Placing plates on rocks can cause them to fall when they move from time to time and this can be problematic with heliofungias more than fungias as their long tentacles are delicate so I'd be more concerned with the tentacles touching the rocks than with the glass. Also, they don't last long in most tanks so if it makes you feel any better, you shouldn't have to deal with that issue for too long.



Imma hopefully prove the final statement wrong . . .

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They can do just fine, provided you're not an idiot about them and do some reading about the areas they're collected in. Heliofungia sp. plates by and large are from lagunal areas, so they prefer lower, random flow and they do better on sand or fine gravel substates, oolitic or #1 aragonite seem to make them happy.

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