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Innovative Marine Aquariums

death to a coral beauty


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PLease help me understand why my fish died

I've had over the past year great success with a freshwater tank and have recently taken on the task of saltwater. I have a 20 long that has cycled and I was really excited about adding fish to it since I want a fish only tank for now. The plan is to have a large tank ready in about 4 months like a 55-75. This small tank is more or less a way of letting me know if this is a good idea for me to do. So far along with live rock I have in the tank a red hermit, blue hermit (can't find), a purple stripe pseudochromis, and a small powder blue 2".

When I had the coral it wasn't very active and it didn't eat the food the LFS said it would. I didn't even have it long enough to buy different food. It doesn't have spots or lateral line or any other obvious sickness. I am thinking the reason she died is because of the tang. Since I added the tang it has roamed endlessly and even the purple stripe stays hidden. Online it said they were compatible fish but I guess there wasn't enough territory or something???? Why did my fish die?

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Well, I'd say firstly that with that many fish in a 20L, it's not surprising that your fish died. Also from the sounds of it, your fish was not healthy in the first place. Also the type of fish you have (tang) does not fit the type of tank you have. Sorry if this sounds like a flame, but it appears you didn't do your homework before buying.

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From the way it sounds to me, it seems that maybe you bought an unhealthy fish from the fish store...I don't know, but that's just my guess. It's always a good idea to have them feed the fish in front of you before purchasing it. A healthy fish would eat, and an unhealthy fish...well...you know. Also, just my suggestion, I'd put the Tang in a bigger tank or trade him in for something smaller. Anyway, good luck with your tank. :happy:

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