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what seachem medias to use?


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Would like to step up my media to seachem standards. I have a 24gal nano with media rack and I am currently using reef carbon, nitrate sponge and phosphate sponge, not sure of the actual brand. I would like to cover all basics with the seachem media soooo, what combination or purigen, phosguard, seagel, matrix carbon or whatever else that they make, should be included in my media rack

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Seagel is just 50/50 of Phosguard and Matrix Carbon. I use about 100ml of Purigen and about 500ml total of Phosguard plus Matrix for my BC29.

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Do you use 500ml of seagel? Is it 50/50 the way you make it or a different ratio? And will that cover all my basics as far as phosphate and nitrate removal? I also added a cut to fit piece of the ammonia removing filter pads just in case. I've heard of people using chemipure elite and purigen , yet I've heard that chemipure takes out some good stuff you wanna keep around.

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Almost everyone seems to use Chemipure Elite. I think it largely does the same thing as Seagel. I make mine with a 50/50 ratio (I just couldn't find any Seagel at local stores and didn't want to order online). I'm not sure about the whole taking good stuff out thing. I've heard that about skimmers too but I think it's baloney. Regardless, the pros of using it outweigh the cons.

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