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What does "ORA" mean?


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It is basically a brand name. Short for Oceans Reefs and Aquariums. They are and aquaculture facility also known for its clownfish.



Thank you...took me awhile to ask. Ive been lookin to no avail. thanks !!!

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I don't think it would be a horrible idea for a veteran of this hobby to make a sticky with all the short hand versions and abbreviations of what things are called ;)

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I don't think it would be a horrible idea for a veteran of this hobby to make a sticky with all the short hand versions and abbreviations of what things are called ;)

Request that a mod add it to the glossary.

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I don't think it would be a horrible idea for a veteran of this hobby to make a sticky with all the short hand versions and abbreviations of what things are called ;)

Top of the forum... Library>Glossary (Wouldn't disagree that it could be made more accessible or obvious that it's there. Most people don't seem to be aware of it.)


I thought about replying and saying that. But this is better: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ORA&l=1

Even better if you used the built in URL shortener to hide your intent :P


+1 on adding it to the glossary, I actually checked there first. Seems reasonable.

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