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my clownfish appears to be having siezures


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He is swimming normally, then for like 2 seconds he will literally have a siezure... no coral in the tank, just snails and the other clown... will test params and get the put in here shortly

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It's because one of the clowns has become dominet and the other is submitting when ever it seizes out!! Go look at clownfish reproduction to learn more

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ammonia 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 5

sg 1.030, just got a refractometer today and it appears my hydrometer was off, it reads 1.025

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It's because one of the clowns has become dominet and the other is submitting when ever it seizes out!! Go look at clownfish reproduction to learn more




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yah my clowns are to little to seeze out yet, so everytime i see a pair in any aquarium i watch the pair and wait for one of them to seeze out because it is hilarious!!

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normal behavior.

i should have searched before i asked, i just panicked... now i watch them and laugh, he's got epilepsy!! lol

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