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Cultivated Reef

frogspawn - is this normal?


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I got it for 2 days. Just now that i notice it retracts completely so that the white skeleton is revealed. This is a few hours after lights out. It did just fine when the light was on, fully out, waving happily with the flow. So will my frogspawn come out in the morning?

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im so glad my FS looked healthy this morning. But now - a little over noon - it retracts half way, no longer huge like before. is this because i have my light on all the time? its position is near the surface, about 20cm from the light . is the light killing it?

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What do you mean by "all the time"? You don't have day/night cycle? I'm not sure but that doesn't sound natural :). I doubt it's good for you tank inhabitants. If it's retracting during the day though, it's likely that something is off. It could be flow, chemistry, temperature or lighting. Check temp and chemistry first.

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I have heads (coupe out of 40) that occasionally retract during the day, but never the whole thing. I'd suspect high flow, or a fish pestering it.

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I have heads (coupe out of 40) that occasionally retract during the day, but never the whole thing. I'd suspect high flow, or a fish pestering it.


Corals are very different once the lights turn off... after a while you stop paying attention to their nighttime habbits and only use their daytime looks to determine its health...


Its always cool to see how small they can get at night though

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Its always cool to see how small they can get at night though


Isn't it?


I have a ricordea that's ~3.5" when fully open and just about 1/2" when it's sleeping and closed up.

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