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Pod Your Reef

Sponge? Tentacle-less nem? Mutant mushroom? You decide...


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So I was looking at my tank this morning and noticed this little guy sitting on top of my rockwork. It's about the size of a tiny zoa. It hasn't moved all day, but that doesn't mean it won't... Looks to have a tan mouth in the middle there, so I'm thinking it isn't a sponge. No tentacles that I can see, so it isn't a zoa or nem. Segmented like an orange, so it isn't a mushroom. So... what the heck is this thing?





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Pretty sure that it's a macroalgae, but can't remember the name. I'm wanting to think "mermaid's something-or-other" but those are bigger than the one you have, IIRC.

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Pretty sure that it's a macroalgae, but can't remember the name. I'm wanting to think "mermaid's something-or-other" but those are bigger than the one you have, IIRC.



Mermaid's wineglass? Those were stalked I thought.

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Looks like what I have. Only mine are crazy small. I wish I had pulled it out when I first found them. Now they have overtaken the rockwork.

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Looks like what I have. Only mine are crazy small. I wish I had pulled it out when I first found them. Now they have overtaken the rockwork.


Yeah it's about half the size of an M&M. Really small. And after a recent rescape... buried under some chaeto :)

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