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Stocked my CUC with high Nitrates


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My cycle in my 6 gal been done for a few days now and my nitrates (I thought) were hovering around 40ish. I had my water tested at my LFS as well and all they said was my nitrates were a little high and a WC would clean it up.


I proceeded to buy 3 ceriths, 3 hermits, and 2 nassarius. I got home and did ~20% WC and acclimated them by letting the bags float and every 15 min or so I put 1/2 cup of water in the bag. After a little over an hour i scooped them out and dumped them in.


I checked the nitrates then and they are at around 80(!!!!!). The nassarius havent moved or come out of their shell at all but the hermits and ceriths seem to be doing fine.


Question is, what do I do? ~50% WC? Are they all doomed? And yea, I know what I did was stupid but how do I fix this?

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My cycle in my 6 gal been done for a few days now and my nitrates (I thought) were hovering around 40ish. I had my water tested at my LFS as well and all they said was my nitrates were a little high and a WC would clean it up.


I proceeded to buy 3 ceriths, 3 hermits, and 2 nassarius. I got home and did ~20% WC and acclimated them by letting the bags float and every 15 min or so I put 1/2 cup of water in the bag. After a little over an hour i scooped them out and dumped them in.


I checked the nitrates then and they are at around 80(!!!!!). The nassarius havent moved or come out of their shell at all but the hermits and ceriths seem to be doing fine.


Question is, what do I do? ~50% WC? Are they all doomed? And yea, I know what I did was stupid but how do I fix this?

yeah do a big water change, and see what the nitrates are after,

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