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Simultaneously awesome and messed up


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That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

What a HUGE waste, waste of life, money and my time watchin' it.

This guy got into this cause he was already arrested for cock fighting and pit bull fighting.

He has some serious daddy issues...


two thumbs DOWN :rant:

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I haven't eaten meat since 1994. I have saved enough animals to be allowed to enjoy watching a little battle of the fittest. Though it would have been more sporting, a little, to drop the mantis into a tank where the underdogs had mastered their environment. If he would have dubbed in Jaque Cousteau's voice instead of some bad porn music, all would have been forgiven.

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That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

What a HUGE waste, waste of life, money and my time watchin' it.

This guy got into this cause he was already arrested for cock fighting and pit bull fighting.

He has some serious daddy issues...


two thumbs DOWN :rant:


FWIW I am under the impression that he was feeding his mantis in each of these instances. He is just using a few different crustaceans than the usual fed by people who keep them (blue legs, snails, gorilla crabs). Some of them, the coral banded for instance, are likely a natural food source for the peacock mantis, and others, arrow and emeral crab, are certainly preyed upon by the Caribbean mantis.

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Ya, ok...I definitely understand feeding the mantis,

if he is a pet, ya gotta feed 'em....right?

BUT in the context that this was done for sport, stupid.

Understand people that I am 44 with two teenagers, I am over the whole,

"lets kill stuff 'cause it's cool" phase in my life...alright?

Like any of those creatures even had a chance against that mantis.

I'm jus' sayin'...don't bill it as a fight, as though the opponents had any chance at all...

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Like any of those creatures even had a chance against that mantis.

I'm jus' sayin'...don't bill it as a fight, as though the opponents had any chance at all...


I agree with this. Not a big fan of watching stuff like that anyways. It's not what i like to do with my free time.. :happy:

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