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Coral Vue Hydros

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I got a free 24" coralife 2 bulb T5-HO, without bulbs. Im setting up a pico so I was wondering if I could just chop it in half, and plug in some 12" bulbs into it. Is this going to be epic fail?

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Not necessarily. Many ballasts will automatically adjust to the bulb that is attached to it. I'm not guranteeing that the Coralife ballast will, but many do. If it doesn't work, Workhorse 5 ballasts are dirt cheap and will definitely run the 12" bulbs.

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why not sell your fixture and buy one that is the right size with that money you make?


Tried selling it before with no bites, seems like a 24" 2 bulb isn't very popular. Anyone want to buy it? :)

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So I realized a problem with the Coralife mini lamp today...the bulbs are only 9". This wouldn't be a problem necessarily, but that pretty much forces me to use coralife bulbs only. If I still decide to go the original route and chop the fixture, am I going to run into problems attempting to try the nano-tuners 12" UVL V-HO bulbs?

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Just size the fixture to fit the largest bulb size, and adjust the bulb placement in the fixture accordingly. Then you can use whatever you like, up to a point.

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