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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Something on my glass


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any ideas on what these things are, i have a bunch of them on my glass.

i have astrea snails, hermits, nessarius snails, confirmed hitch hikers are 1 asterina starfish, 1 stomatella snail, 1 bristle worm(have not seen it since the cycle finished)

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Yah looks like hydroids


kill them, i lit mine on fire, shoot lemon juice or boiling water at them asap, they spread.


they suck

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Yah looks like hydroids


kill them, i lit mine on fire, shoot lemon juice or boiling water at them asap, they spread.


they suck


They're hydromedusa, the medusa form of a colonial hydroid species. They aren't really a bad thing... but they are annoying. They won't hurt anything, but if they morph into their polyp form they can irritate corals. They sting, but not strong enough to do any damage. They're terrible swimmers, so if you knock them off the glass they usually get sucked into the powerhead and minced. If you see any polyps forming you can just pick them off or glue them or whatever you want to do to kill them.

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I had 2 or 3 of them when I first started my tank.. died off in a month or so and haven't seen any since.


I usually whacked them with the magfloat as I went by.

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