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My custom 28g LED hood:


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Here are the specs:


2 - Blue LED stunners


12 - RB XR-E Cree's running on a Meanwell 48D

12 - CW XR-E Cree's running on a Meanwell 48D

1 - Red XR-E Cree (inline with the RB's)

6 - CW XP-G Cree's running on a Meanwell 1050

2 - RB Luxeon K2's (inline with the XP-G's)


The 3 heatsinks were bought from Nanotuners. I had to cut some of the plastic out on the sides and install 2 glass panes - wasn't to painful. Mounting the small side heatsinks did take some inginuity however...


I also have 4 more CW XP-G's on there way that I have to install. Needless to say the tank can get very bright when the pot's (on the 48D's) are at full tilt. I have optics for all, but I found that they are to fucused considering how close the LED's are to the water - so I don't use them - spillover is minimal.


I'm just starting to keep a lot of SPS, so I wanted to be sure that lighting wasn't an issue...


Let me know what you guys think!




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Lighting wouldn't have been an issue even if you had stuck with the main 12 white and 12 royals on the main heatsink. Everything else is just gravy at that point, albeit overkill. Even with sps, I would be very careful with acclimation, as you are throwing some serious light. If you have softies and lps already, then they are going to be very grumpy if you don't turn it down a lot. You have basically crammed the equivalent of a good 250W MH in that hood.

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Lighting wouldn't have been an issue even if you had stuck with the main 12 white and 12 royals on the main heatsink. Everything else is just gravy at that point, albeit overkill. Even with sps, I would be very careful with acclimation, as you are throwing some serious light. If you have softies and lps already, then they are going to be very grumpy if you don't turn it down a lot. You have basically crammed the equivalent of a good 250W MH in that hood.


Tks Evil. Yes light acclimation is def something I'm conscience of, which is why I like the 48D's...

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Those critters are going to need sunglasses! Damn that is a ton of light!


I guess it's good to have the extra horsepower, since you can dim it back.

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Those critters are going to need sunglasses! Damn that is a ton of light!


I guess it's good to have the extra horsepower, since you can dim it back.


Haha funny you say that! I have my sunglasses right along side the tank so I'm not blinded when I lift the hood!

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