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Fighting conch alternative


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So ive recently had to downgrade form my 20g to a 8g, and my once loved fighting conch is a bit to big for the tank and is becoming quite a bulldozer.

The problem is, he keeps the sand so clean, im having trouble parting with him- is there anything out there that will keep the sand clean to the degree of a fighting conch but is smaller?


thanks guys

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So ive recently had to downgrade form my 20g to a 8g, and my once loved fighting conch is a bit to big for the tank and is becoming quite a bulldozer.

The problem is, he keeps the sand so clean, im having trouble parting with him- is there anything out there that will keep the sand clean to the degree of a fighting conch but is smaller?


thanks guys

I have never had a conch, but i know nassarius snails do a pretty good job

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I have a couple of Tiger conches. They are approx this size of a turbo. Im sure given time they will get way bigger, but that would take a long time.

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