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what could this be?

Vinny B

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hello, new here on NR but not to reefing, i recently set up a 20L nano and its going through its cycle. i got some cured live rock from the LFS. now i thought i had some coralline algae already growing on the back glass as it looked identical to some, but the next morning i turn on the lights and it was gone :o as i looked around for it or any other possible growths. i see that it has moved to the front of the glass. i did some research but could not find much, looks like a massive amoeba ( penny sized)...i was wondering if this were reef safe er not...any one else have experience with this or should i flush it? any help would be appreciated

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pictures would sure help


i would be more than happy to supply pictures but i cant get a good one of it . it is in a spot were it can not be photographed. alls im sayin is it looks identical to coralline algae but moves like an amoeba

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i would be more than happy to supply pictures but i cant get a good one of it . it is in a spot were it can not be photographed. alls im sayin is it looks identical to coralline algae but moves like an amoeba


Probably a flat worm......the purple kind can be coral eaters.

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