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very undecisive about lighting selection


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i have a Greenleaf 25 gallon cube. 18 x 18 x18.


it will most likely consist of sps in the middle towards the top level, with zoas, lps, and some clams on the lower end and sandbed.


i was going to just go with two boost par 30 bulbs. im not sure if i will have eenough light with that for my setup. maybe using three?


or i have some other ideas...


my thoughts:


#1- 3 boost par 30 bulbs. 2-4rb/1cw and 1-3rb/2cw


# 2-150watt MH and 10 rb leds


#3- 15 RB led and 9 CW led


any other thoughts? ideas? all suggestions would be great!!!

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